Centro Italiano Ricerche Odontostomatologiche
La correzione ortognatodontica
Impiego e controllo della placca funzionale bite
Valutazioni dosimetriche
L’apparato Torino per la correzione della III classe
La deformazione dell’immagine in teleradiografia del cranio in proiezione laterale
Effect of bolus hardness on the chewing pattern and activation of masticatory muscles in subjects with normal dental occlusionLa deformazione dell’immagine in teleradiografia del cranio in proiezione laterale
Computerized axiography in TMD patients before and after therapy with ‘function generating bites’of masticatory muscles in subjects with normal dental occlusionLa deformazione dell’immagine in teleradiografia del cranio in proiezione laterale
Chewing pattern before and after unilateral posterior cross-bite therapy with function generating bite: a case report
Reverse-sequencing chewing patterns before and after treatment of children with a unilateral posterior crossbite
Improvement of masticatory kinematic parameters after correction of unilateral posterior crossbite: Reasons for functional retention
Effects of therapy on masseter activity and chewing kinematics in patients with unilateral posterior crossbite
Adverse effects of the bite-raised condition in animal studies: A systematic review
Condylar Asymmetry in Children with Unilateral Posterior Crossbite Malocclusion: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study
Chewing Patterns and Muscular Activation in Deep Bite Malocclusion
Improvement in the transverse dimension of dental arches in mixed dentition patients with posterior crossbite treated with functional therapy
Muscular activation during reverse and non-reverse chewing cycles in unilateral posterior crossbite
Thoracic-lumbar-sacral spine sagittal alignment and cranio-mandibular morphology in adolescents
Cranial structure and condylar asymmetry of patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a risky growth pattern
From periodontal mechanoreceptors to chewing motor control: A systematic review
Altered mastication adversely impacts morpho-functional features of the hippocampus: A systematic review on animal studies in three different experimental conditions involving the asticatory function
Juvenile/Adolescent Idiopatic Scoliosis and Rapid Palatal Expansion. A Pilot Study
La Barra Transpalatina
Disamina sui fili ortodontici
Il sonno, le sue fasi principali e impiego delle apparecchiature ortognatodontiche
Le impronte in ortodonzia
La maschera di Delaire
Principi e impieghi delle Forze in Ortognatologia